Tai’Rance Kelly, Sr. for Tracy City Council

Tai'Rance Kelly, Sr. is a passionate advocate for addressing homelessness, strengthening community support systems, reducing incarceration rates, enhancing spiritual, mental and physical health, celebrating diversity and inclusion, improving education and economic opportunities, and strengthening community ties. As a candidate for Tracy City Council, Tai'Rance is committed to making positive changes that will benefit all residents of Tracy.

The Issues: Building a Stronger, More Inclusive Tracy

Tai'Rance Kelly, Sr is dedicated to addressing the pressing issues facing our community. From homelessness and incarceration rates to education and economic opportunities, Tai'Rance is committed to creating a more equitable and thriving Tracy for all residents. Learn more about his plans to strengthen community support systems, promote diversity and inclusion, and enhance the well-being of every person in our city.

Take Action: Get Involved with Tai'Rance Kelly, Sr's Vision for Tracy!

Join us in making a positive impact on our community by volunteering, donating, or spreading the word about Tai'Rance Kelly, Sr's campaign. Together, we can work towards a brighter future for Tracy. Let's make a difference, get involved today!